Successful, Self-Improvement
November Rain
A dangerous persons are they who know what they want and what they need
Ah I really miss this moment where I could sit on my warm couch, having a cup of coffee, smokes, and writing while seeing a city light from my apartment. Recently, I don’t have time to write. It was a thought month for me, being a project lead for ten local and multinational big brands in the same time while I, myself doesn’t even graduate yet from my college lol. How can I got this position? I’ll talk about it later.
It is exhausting to both my mind and body, I need to see my psychiatrist. My mental health is not okay. Fucking Gen-Z and millennials would probably said that. Man, we doesn’t even crawl under the mud and barbed wire but we sigh like motherfuckers at the World War I and II. I also a Gen-Z, but I believe not all of us sigh like that. It’s just 10 brands, and I will eat them like a tart.
Recently, I acknowledge something about our life and I got this point of view when I’m questioning myself while sucking cigar alone in the backyard of my office this afternoon; what is the cause of someone’s successful and failure? One puff, two puff. My cigar is shortened. I drink my americano. I think what is the cause of someone’s successful and failure was determine by their goal and plan.
Surely, majority of us have our own goal in this life. Something that we want to achieve, something that we want. It could be married at the certain age, financially freedom before 30s, be an employee of Google, having a business with millions of profit, etc. Most of us surely have a goal, but very few that have a plan. This plan is something that we need to realize our goal.
I often ask question to my friends and co-workers; “what are your goals in the next five years?” Then, they replied with their our own goals. I then ask them again; “what is your plan to achieve it?” Most of the answer is like create a start-up company, work harder to get a promotion, set-up a business, and so on. That’s not wrong at all, but I think all of their answers are still on the “surface”. When I continue my third question; “what kind of business do you want to set-up?” Most of the answers is like “Nah, I haven’t thought about it yet”, “Hmm I like coffee, and maybe I will open my own coffeeshop”, “Family businesses, just wait till my father’s dead”, and so on.
It is very crucial that we must knowing our plan for achieving our dreams. All the things that you got in this current circumstances is because you arrange a plan in the past, either you fucking realize it or not. I do too. I gain my CEO’s trust to handling ten brands is because I set a plan when I first came to this office. I gain 2.8k followers on medium is because my plan is consistency. In this world, nothing is accidental mate. For almost 24 years I live on this broken planet, all of my achievements is because I set-up a plan and So were you.
“Ambition without action is just imagination.” — unknown
Whatever you do, where ever you are, realizing what you really want and what you need is really important. It become our foundation to do everything. ”Shut up, I know what to do” by Kimi Räikkönen (former Formula 1 driver) is one of my favorite quotes. It indicates that he know his goal, and he has plan for it. Therefore, he demand his team to shut up and stop telling him what to do. Do this formula in your real life, and let the magic happen. Selamat malam from Jakarta…
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