Self Reflection, Humans

Humans in 3 Minutes

Contemplating and Motorcycle

3 min readOct 20, 2022
photo by: Tumblr

Hi, folks. It’s me again. I just got home after a thought day. If you read my previous article, you will know the reason. Working in an agency is fatiguing, but it is the perfect place to grow. My daily cereals are meeting new people, conversing with a fake person, a toxic environment, dramas, and the impossible deadline. Indeed, it sucks, but it shapes me. Because the best lesson always comes from reality, doesn’t it? Pressure does not only make a diamond. It also shapes our humanity. I love the process, although it’s tiring. That’s human.

A couple of hours ago, when I’m returning to my apartment, I always liked singing on my motorcycle. Currently, I often sing Neck Deep’s songs. I’m not a broken heart person; my girl loves me so well. I’ve been with her for almost seven years — since high school. Many of my friends asked me for tips for keeping a long relationship. I don’t know the answer, but I advise you to trust your partner. That’s the foundation of love, and love is the thing that makes us alive. That’s human.

Besides singing a song, I also love to imagine and question something when I'm riding on my motorcycle. I don’t know; I think riding alone with my bike is my second best place to contemplate after the bathroom. What makes someone could afford to buy this fucking expensive car, which party his father sits at, how lucky he is, and so on. I like speculating about others, although I didn’t know about them. Mostly, it is in the negative thought. Jealous? Don’t be naive. We all, indeed have jealous of something in our life. That’s fine. That’s human.

Still on my motorcycle. The other thing I often think about is the people in my environment. Some of my friends, co-workers, family, and even my parents and my girlfriend are similar. They are identical in doing something they don’t like, but still doing it. Oday, my mom told me that she felt unhappy living in Balikpapan and wanted to return to Jakarta. But still, she is staying in Balikpapan. Some friends once said they disliked their job and wanted to quit. But still, they haven’t resigned. My girlfriend once told me that she is tired of studying dentistry, but she still carries on with her education and keeps her dream of becoming a dentist alive.

We often sigh in the middle of our process. We know that we don’t like what we are doing now, but we keep doing it. We keep living in circumstances and conditions we don’t want. Is that wrong? No. Not at all. That’s human.

“We raise by sacrificing others” — unknown

Based on my short experiences above, I concluded that humans essence is very ironic; we raise ourselves by sacrificing others. We always demand more to grow, although the process sucks — the first paragraph. We offer our childhood mentality. We are always biased toward something that becomes our priority; love — second paragraph. We offer things we don’t love, which could be ourselves. We all, indeed, have jealous characters. I think it’s good because envy sacrifice laziness — third paragraph. It makes us motivated. We keep living in the circumstances and conditions we don’t want — fourth paragraph. We sacrifice ourselves.

Indeed, we raise by sacrificing others. You can't achieve your dream without sacrificing your time and energy. The sun can't get set without sacrificing its light. A human can't get their modernity without destroying nature. Ultimately, we indeed have to choose. It is inevitable. Acknowledge this reality. Selamat Malam, and a good day from Jakarta…




Written by katakurik

Digital Creative Enthusiast | Bachelor of Philosophy | Digital Marketer

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